About Us



T - Thankful

Bring help and joy with grateful hearts.

M - Motivating

Encouraging less fortunate people that there is hope, always.

T - Thriving

Continually create opportunities to reach out to people who need help.


We are committed to fight against hunger. We aim to empower and engage the communities in programs and projects to provide food and care to those most in need. We aim to provide gifts and reach out to 10,000 people this year.


We will be in the front range in serving families and communities with sustainable programs that drive development, growth, and productivity. We will be the best partner in delivering charity works together with our benefactors and sponsors, in the next years to come.
It is not important how much we give,
but how much love we put into giving.

The Art of Giving Back

It is not important how much we give, but on how much love we put into giving.
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At TMT Foundation, our work ethics revolve around our own statement that encourages us to give back even to the smallest of our capacity. It may sound so common, but in these unprecedented times, it is often more blessed to give than to receive.

We believe that though the person who receives, literally gets the thing, the ones who give receives the bigger blessing; our hearts feel extraordinarily happy and expands. The feeling is incomparable.

Our belief about charity is very simple, “If we have more than what we need, and someone else seems to have less than what they need, we can give our overflow, big or small.

It is not always monetary. We can give a smile, a pat on the back, or even through volunteering. Our efforts count too! Having a charitable thought and heart can be even more impactful than money. Thus, here in TMT Foundation, we show that aside from the material gifts we bring, with happy hearts, we spend time in reaching out to people in need, locally or even abroad as much as possible.

Over the past few years, we have centered our relief efforts to different places in Vietnam which were affected by typhoons, floods, and extreme poverty. With us were volunteers and local government who generously offered their time to be in our same goal of alleviating the difficult situations of some ethnic groups in Vietnam. Though it is honestly hard to completely change the way of life in cities’ life, we aim to give hope; to bring life the chance that everything will be okay, all they need somehow is a little help.

As we continue this mission, we hope to connect to each other and rekindle the sense of the art of giving back. For he who will not deny himself for the sake of giving, will have a glance at the joys of charity.

We're here. Let's Talk.

Our door is always open for a good chat.
Share your excitement to help with us.
12060 Bellaire Blvd. #G
Houston, TX 77072
(832) 353-4388

giveback @tmt-foundation.org

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